Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Awkward pause

I had my first cynical reaction today. I was afraid of this type of reaction at first and hesitated to tell people.
Of course it came from my co-worker who looks at the world through - well - what's the opposite of rose-colored glasses. I too often hear don't-bother-even-trying sentiments from her. So I know I should take it lightly, but it is a prick in the side. There wasn't a congratulations, how are you going to do it? but simply, don't they want people who don't work? Well, I didn't say this, but I am thinking, no it is those losers who don't work and try to live off the foster money that they try to avoid.
I think I will focus instead on all the joyous reactions I have gotten. Because I have gotten a lot over the last day and it has been very encouraging.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Finding an Elementary School

I will admit that I have been putting off looking at the local elementary schools. Perhaps because I know there are so many around here that I didn't know where to start. For someone who has never dealt with such things, it can be intimidating. 

Yesterday I was talking to a mom who is dealing with finding a school for her son after an upcoming move. She helped out by directing me to a website called So I checked it out. After trying to visit a school's site, I found instead the district's site, which has a tool where you enter your address and it tells you the assigned school for that area. Why didn't think of looking at the district site before?! duh. That made the decision easy - there is none. And according the other website, the school has a good rating. Great.

Part two - finding before and after school care. Another link from the district site and I found a program that offers a free educational program. Of course there is a limit on the number of students, but that would be great if I was able to get my future child in! Entrance is based on a point system and being a single, full-time employed foster mom will give me 2 of 5 points. There is a possible additional point if the child has poor academic scores. (and those who are already in the program get 2 points) However, there are two problems: 1 - the application in due May 8. I won't have a child to enroll by then. 2 - The elementary school is my area doesn't have a program there. (nor does the next closest.) Perhaps it is because I live near a rich area - that school is surrounded by million dollar homes. Which makes me wonder how a foster child would even fit-in in a school like that. Maybe the OB school will be best; more diverse, good ratings and has the after school program - if I have that option. I will have to talk to the licensing social worker about this when she comes this week. 

Another thing I found online- free lunches at school for foster children. This is great. I don't have to worry about packing a lunch; and that will cut down on the cost of groceries too. While I wasn't concerned about the cost of food, the cost of after school care was a uncertainty, so if this can off-set that, woo-hoo. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fostering set up

Orientation - check
application - check
fingerprinting - check
CPR & first aid training - scheduled for Sat; check
Physical & TB test - check
prepare bedroom - check
PRIDE training - scheduled for Saturdays from May 9- June 13
home visit - scheduled for Tuesday; check

WOW- I have everything scheduled. I am really doing this. It is happening so fast -it's been 4 weeks (tomorrow) since the idea really presented itself. I am excited.

well, a few more details to work out - what school the child will attend and what before/after school programs are provided. need to find sometime to be a regular babysitter and get that person fingerprinted and safety trained. ...and maybe a few more things around the home.

I have been thinking about this with every spare moment since the idea first presented itself - imaging what it will be like to have a child along with me in everything I do. What I will and won't be able to do. I can't imagine how much my mind will be consumed with the child when they actually arrive.